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  • askjaquestion

The birth of this website.

Has this ever happened to you? You wake up in the middle of the night, anxious, restless, uneasy, worried or worse, you haven’t slept the whole night. Your mind keeps working nonstop and feeds you more anxious thoughts.

You may be going through a breakup, a divorce, a layoff, a diagnosis, whatever it may be, the thoughts and feelings of anxiousness are heightened at every minute.

You need help, pronto! Where do you go? What’s the most convenient thing to tune into or to do?

A number of you would head out to the fridge and binge eat, and some would go and grab a bottle of wine or alcohol, some would reach out for porn, and some would aimlessly scroll the internet for relief, an answer.

There is a question in everybody’s head, and everyone needs an answer at that very minute, hour, and time.

For those who scroll down the internet, what do you get?

You may bump into a fortune-telling site that gives you a promise of light and help. Your eyes brighten, but then wait. What!? Yes, You have to punch in your credit card details, and any form of question or prediction is charged by the minute. Yeah, you got that right. That’s how these sites work.

There is no way of knowing whether the predictions wrapped in the idea of relief are accurate. But because of the instability of your emotions, you take a chance and believe in anything you can hold on to. Even if a small voice inside you is saying, it’s a scam! Some websites prey on the vulnerability of those who don’t know better—those who are beaten and lost.

Please stay away from these sites, and there are a lot more to mention. It will only leave you empty and, worse, your pockets drained too.

You go to YouTube and miraculously find a random person evangelizing a belief/religion and preaching about sinners and saying you are carrying this heavy burden because of the sins you committed. A call for repentance, transformation and hope? You find yourself on your knees, singing, crying, arms in the air and screaming Hallelujah!

Let’s not be taken away by anything or anyone during these moments. Discern the right intentions and ask about the intentions of the people behind the internet. Everyone is up to something, but to who’s advantage? You have to be vigilant.

I know the feeling. I know the desperate call for relief, and I was that person at specific points in my life, too.

In the hope of finding an answer, I was brought to anything I could grab onto. Did it help me? I don’t think so. It just made me feel worse; my problems were not resolved, and yes, I punched in my credit card details as well. I felt more alone/ hopeless.

My reason for creating this website is to help you, anyone, and everyone during these moments of uncertainty by answering ‘the’ question, your question. be it a question of help, or a question of joy, I will be here.

I will give you an unbiased/ my best answer in the hope that it will help you until you can find the support you need. Be it from a therapist, a friend, family or by the strength of your will until it improves. Until you get and feel better.

I’m not an expert on anything, but I know I have many experiences that could give you temporary relief until you realize that whatever you are going through, like anything else, will pass. Just believe.

Allow me to introduce myself. You can call me J I am a mother, a sister, a partner, a daughter and a friend. I work a regular 9-5 job in the finance industry. I am a divorcée, a co-parent to a wonderful child with a disability, and I am an avid traveller. I love to travel! I love to experience new cultures, meet different people, wine and dine. I am a book nerd, a podcast listener and a wisdom seeker.

I see life as an adventure! And that it is meant to be lived.

Allow me to be a part of your life at times of your loneliness and despair and at times of your boundless joy.

I hope you can share a part of you with me. Please ask me a question! Any random question? I may have the answers, and I look forward to a meaningful connection and conversation with you.


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